Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE] Dollars or Dollhairs?

This video really caught my attention when i first saw it on google reader. I thought to myself "Oh cool an advancement in technology right now" so i clicked on the vidfeo and watched it. For the most part it was what i thought it was going to be about. The whole next step to getting to mars and taking space to a whole new level, but what i didnt realized was that it was costing billions of dollars and wouldnt be done until 2030.

When I first read that I thought that was crazy, and as I watched more I came to the question of whether or not we are putting our tax money to good use. In my mind I really don't think that it matters, because the government literally does hundreds if not thousands of things with the trillions of dollars that we pay in taxes. I mean we are taxed on everything. It's not just one thing or a few its literally just about everything. Those little 10 cents and 5 cents even on candy or something goes straight to the government. So this money is just constantly adding up, and being spent. In that that, I wonder how our government collects this money and uses. I feel like it just goes from bank account to bank account for reasons unknown to us the population.

Its probably best not to know, but if you have another opinion on this please respond and let me know, it would be interesting to see another persons view and perspective.

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