Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[FP]Food for thought

Have you ever made eye contact with someone and they just look away? I think its funny how people cant look at certain people. People tell me i stare too much at them and i usually laugh. I don't see how it bothers people. I mean i guess if people are getting a bad look, but i have just noticed recently that people just cant handle it.
Another thing that's funny. Is when you smile at someone and they get hella awkward. They look at you like you just punched their sister or something. Then you just look away thinking to yourself why the hell did that just happen?
What i tried to do was just smile and see how people would respond just to see how they would react. And really its not weird unless they think your hitting on them or something. I mean just showing them a smile really makes them feel like its alright. And it helps people relax a little more in their lives.

I feel like people think too much about others or just are analyzing things too much. I mean i tend to do that, so i can see others doing the same. Its just funny that people don't deal with little things like facial expressions or eye contact, and how much they can let it get to them.

Another thing that gets me, is people that you've known since they were a kid, and they talk all ghetto. When they see you they talk "normally" or like an average person and say whatsup to you. Then they go back to their stupid friends and say "Yeeaah bruh" "Whatsgood bruh" "Whatchu say bruh" "Bruuuh" "Bruuh" "Bruh". I feel for them but at the same time feel sorry for knowing them as a person.

They deal with their lives though, like everyone else. And I'm sure they don't like where their at.  Its sad for you the other person too, because you know they're better then the shit life they have succumb to. But there is nothing you can really say or do, because you realize that it is their lives and that it was their choice to make their decisions. You just have to understand that that is what it is.

Talking to them helps but really you have no way of ever having that friendship and understanding you did when you were a kid. So you just try and let it go like you do when you have a conversation with a stranger and you never see them again.

But Maybe their happy though, there is no way to really tell.

That things like this exists is Sad. reality is sad. Hopefully this whole blogging thing won't be sad. Its all how you think about it i guess though.

So i guess what i was getting at with this is that people need to deal with their lives, have some comfort with who they are, and make some sense of themselves. That's putting it as simple as possible because that changes everyday, and life changes everyday. Other than those last words of thought, good luck at making some sense of this and some sense of yourself. Hopefully I can make some sense too and start to figure things out.


  1. So at the beginning I thought this was all about non-verbal communication and eye-contact in particular, and I was with it. Then things changed and it became about how people speak. And I kind of lost the thread. If you had to boil this whole post down to, say, two sentences, what would they say?

  2. I re-did the post a bunch and my ideas didn't really mesh together completely. If i were to sum it down I would probably say that people tend to be less comfortable holding eye contact with others and that a smile can help you talk to people even if you don't have anything to say. I also would probably mention that i knew this kid who was a good guy growing up and ended up being this kid who got lost in lack of care and problems he surrounded himself with.
    And finally talk about why what I wrote had some significance to me and the world, which is interesting to look at myself now understanding that I could have written that concise and clear.

  3. Their personal lives can easily affect how they feel comfortable in who they are as well as who they associate with. In general most people have a few good friends where eye contact is not a big deal. With anyone else eye contact is nearly impossible.

    It may even be due to our advancing lack of eye contact and in person, real social interaction, from social networking sites and text messaging. Because of these social "blocks" from interacting and allowing for eyecontact to occur, we really do not know how to deal with it and our real emotions in "the moment" or a smile or "hello." Social interactions are like "practicing" social ettiquettes, therefore you get the awkward "punched" looks, baffled expressions.

    People are able to interact with few.

    We have just gotten used to going "lol" or :) with no real expression in our face or serious laugh.

    Isolation, for most of us have succumbed to, have lost the "practice" and way of eye contact and cognitiveness.
