Friday, September 16, 2011

[rp] Own up or Not

"I don't understand why people can't own up to what they want." from Kayluh's blog. As I was reading Kayluh's blog, this quote in particular sparked many thoughts in my head. Kayluh discussed confrontation in her recent blog post, yearning for a certain someone to speak instead of hide their emotions. However, I think it is easier said than done. Not all people are brave enough to own up to what they want in life because of fear. I believe fear is the one thing that holds most of us humans back from fulfilling our wants and needs. There is fear of failure. Fear of rejection. Fear of the situation not going the way you planned originally. Sometimes people find it easier to not say anything at all to avoid future conflict. Bravery is not a quality many of us have.
Confrontation and confessions usually lead to a change. It can be a change in a relationship or any other change in life.

People are afraid of change. People are afraid to take a chance and do something different. Each person has their own beat, but sometimes the persons can't follow it. We're all still so young in higschool and we all are changing "beats" and feelings almost all the time everyday.  I just think people should reach out more and try different things if they ever want to find out who they truly are and what beat they create.

Everyone in life is different, and moves at their own pace. So everyone has their own turns and paths, and people figure most of it out along the way. Again to reiterate on what Kaluh said though, people need to take responsibility for their own choices in life. You are the only person who knows what you deserve in life. So either own up to it or don't, both happen all the time everyday just try and think what makes sense for you. Each moment is different just try and figure out how you feel.

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