Friday, September 23, 2011

(RP) Park

"What is poverty? What is wealth?"
 From Mr. Sutherlands post on what we discussed in class and in the park on Wednesday. In the park we talked about what you would do for a homeless person and that conversation really got me to think. We shared what we would do for a homeless person. Most people saying that they would give him a dollar or giving him food. I said that as well, and Mr. Sutherland said a really good thing when he said that just a smile or a small conversation is worth as much if not more than doing that.

Because honestly, they could be using that dollar to buy anything. I don't think anyone ants to support a person that is hurting themselves by giving them money to hurt themselves. So I think that food if you happen to have some, or a smile is a very good thing to do for a person. Think about when you feel acknowledged or when you have wanted to be. That is a daily thing for them. Something like that probably makes their day and makes them very happy, so next time think about that or do what you believe is right. 

The other thing that i thought was cool about class in the Park was how we had interesting conversation about an experience that changed a persons perspective on life. 

I was asked on the spot with a short amount of time to really think, but I said the time I went to Iran really changed my life. I was about 12 years old and saw the good warm people of the country and understood the cruel unreasonable people that ran the government and practically the lives of the people under them. It was a great experience and it really made me have respect for my elders and people in general. The feeling of people loving you and having so much family around you makes you happy, and the simple things over there made you really happy too. 

It made me see life in the light that things are a lot better than we know, and that we need to enjoy what we have and appreciate things. 

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