Thursday, September 29, 2011

(RP) Muslims

"Are we supposed to alienate Muslims forever? ... What is justifiable and what is not?"

A quote from Trevor Toy's post on the new mosque that was built at ground zero. These questions he portrayed really got me thinking on if modern people have any sense at all or if they are just continuing to be more ignorant or ill-informed. I feel like it could be a number of things and i feel they could be scared of "Muslims" for allegedly "bombing" their country, but I just don't see our people ever accepting Muslims in their own any time soon. 

This brings me back to what Trevor was asking about if we are suppose to alienate Muslims or if it is justifiable or not. I think that it may be justifiable at the moment for the American people, or may have an acceptable enough reason to be. That people will continue to have this sort of misguided view towards Muslims until either people forget  or they show that they are good people and not what people make them out to be. 

I mean think if you think about it, it's like finding out someone is a Christian and all of a sudden viewing them differently or having this fear that they are going to attack you or that they are bad people. Now if a Muslim did that to a Christian that wouldn't make any sense, but if a Christian did that to a Muslim it would make complete sense. 

That was strictly opinion, so yeah you can say that people have a reason to fear Muslims for what one group of them did. I just think that alienating them out is ridiculous and that not getting to know a person and placing upon them that icon of fear really is a narrow-minded ignorant thing to do. It's your mind though, so think what you want to.

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