Thursday, September 29, 2011

(CE) Saudi Women

So this video is about the 2 women who were sentenced to 10 lashings for driving in Saudi Arabia. I mean seriously? What are people's freaking problem. I have no idea, but aside from that.

This video was kind of funny because of that sarcastic comment "Who's going to drive them to the voting ballot boxes? Voting is an illusion of participation" that The Narcisyst tweeted about . I first laughed when i heard and read it, and then i started to think. Hmm....this actually has some political value and makes some sense.

I mean think on this, you have no right to drive as a women so they try and butter you up by saying that you can vote now all of a sudden. That is ridiculous because voting is rigged for sure, and women still can't do anything and haven't really gained any real voice here.

Like The Narcisyst wrote, "Voting is an illusion of participation" I completely agree with that statement, and really do believe that women's rights especially in Saudi Arabia are completely misconstrued and not understood.

It's time for women to be heard instead of sitting there waiting to hear something from a man. Not to be sexist, but I feel like they deserve more.

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