Wednesday, September 14, 2011


It all started when I was born. I was born on May 13nth 1994 as an only child of two different raced different cultured individuals. My Mom being Hispanic based background and my father being Middle eastern based. Both speak different languages, each as open my minded as the other. As a kid I grew up with this diversity and clash of cultures and mindsets. I never learned both languages but I did learn and understand a lot about both cultures. It made me an open minded individual and a nice patient person wanting to learn more about other peoples ideals and perspective. As a kid being polite is something I learned naturally from both cultures, and respecting people to is something I learned from my parents as individuals.

As a child I grew up looking for friends and companions. Being an only child made me curious to how other people thought and how they lived their lives. I thought more about what things meant to people and why did things. People taught me things I could never teach myself and helped me realize what things mean to me. It got me to think about different possibilities of life. I started to understand that there was more to learn from experiences, that could change my life and help me figure out who I am and what things mean to me.

 I started to understand people as i met different people and made more friends. It first happened to me when I was in the 6th grade and I met the person who(at the time) would become my best friend, Adam Redfield. I came into a new school not knowing anyone in the middle 6th grade. The first class I walked in and the only seat open was right next to Adam. I ended up having every class with him and naturally I started conversing with him. In time talking to him, I met a person with the same personality as me with similar perspective and mutual understanding towards life. This for me was the most influential thing that ever happened to me. Realizing that there were people like me that could see life in my direction, made me want to understand everyone and anyone. Thats what lead me to the study of the mind or "Psychology".

Meeting Adam and realizing that there are people in life that come from so many places with different mindsets and cultures inspired me to understand other peoples minds as well as my own. It made me aspire to psychology,society, and people. Understanding people has always been a root of my life, and studying psychology is a branch my roots will support me to reach out to. Hopefully I will grow in my life, and understand more about what life really means to people and what life really means to me.

1 comment:

  1. It's really great that you have so much cultural background to draw from and that you feel very good about it as a person too.
    So you've decided to take up psychology, that's wonderful! Psychology is one of the most interesting fields out there. I also like your tree metaphor.
