Friday, September 23, 2011

(CE) Hiking?

I straight up have a lot of things to say about this video. Some things are funny some are sort of serious, but anyway. Here we go.

So these U.S. citizens put in prison are complete idiots. Why the hell would you be "hiking" in the moutains of Iraq/Iran. Are you serious? Why don't you be normal in the sense that you have california or the Rockies and dozens of other places in America you can hike. Why did you decide, "Oh let's go hiking in Iran this Summer" "Oh yeah, forsure man". I just dont understand that.

On a serious note though, I do think it was right for Iran to imprison these guys for doing what they did, because in my view they had no right to be there in the first place. The time in prison may have been a little rough, but from this video they both seem to be quite respectful of Iran and didn't seem traumatized or fearful of what happened.

I think that the U.S. kind of blew this up too in that they put it all over the news and made a bigger deal of it than it actual was and is. I do think though, that those hikers learned their lesson of where to hike and to make brighter decisions. I mean really? I'm surprised the people living in the mountains didn't kill them. I mean it's no little thing to just walk around out there. I'm surprised they survived.

Respond if you have any thoughts to why they did this, or if this was right or wrong.

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