Monday, September 19, 2011

(FR) Class mask

Today in Mr. Sutherland's class we were discussing the debates in France about not being able to pray in public and women not being able to wear veil's. We had an open end sicussion in class and got to read different perspectives of students who responded that stated their opinions on whether they thought Muslim people had the right to publicly worship or that it was right what France did to protect its nation for their ideals and not be alienized by other peoples belief.

What really caught my eye about the discussion in class was Mr.Sutherlands comment on how the Muslim population was becoming a born into part and gradual part of their population. So technically arent they the French people? Hmm, you have to sit and wonder how to look at that one. I mean do you count them? Like how the 3/5ths law was created. Does it relate to that? Can you compare that? Maybe.
But that's a drastic way of looking at things.

In my opinion i think that these people have the right to do whatever they please in that they should be able to practice their religion and not be criticized, and I believe that they should show the French people that they have meaning to the things they are doing to show them why they do it. As for the French government, I agree with what Courtney said in class about how they handled the situation well and in their perspective that made sense and was an acceptable thing for them to do. Because, in knowing that they are foreign to these beliefs and most of their people are, they wanted to protect their people and preserve what has already been established within the country, which to me is completely legit and makes sense.

 Otherwise any other thoughts would be nice to hear on this..

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