Friday, October 14, 2011

(RP)People are different

The sheer differences between cultures are so interesting and the histories of how people came to be who they are today is just fascinating.
This quote from Trevor Toy's blog post really spoke to me.
God Grew is a really good movie. I have read about the Somalian lost boys and know all about what they had to face in trying to walk their way to freedom and being attacked by Arab militia and their own people along the way. It is really sad that those young boys were in such a terrible place at that time in their life, and were force to survive whatever means necessary. No one deserves that, but sometimes life is that and you have to adapt and try to make something of it. 
Back to Trevor's quote on the differences of people's cultures and how people came to be where they are from. All of my life I have always, from the first moment of talking to someone, especially someone I am meeting for the first time, have tried to know more about their life and where they are from. I love learning about other people's culture. It's so interesting to hear what other people's lives or like or how their life has become what it is and what they have had to build them up in their for them to be the person they are. Everyone in life is different and you always will meet someone with a story you would never have even imagined. I really think people should tell their story and get to know others. In time it will open your eyes to different cultures and views to help you better understand where you are from and what it is you truly value and appreciate in your life.

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