Friday, October 14, 2011

(CE) Terrorism or FBI-ism

Has anyone been reading about the Iran murder plot against Saudi Arabia. What a freaking joke. In all honesty it sucks that most Americans believe this shit. Everyone who is somewhat aware of politics within the country of the United States should know about the terrorism propaganda the FBI creates to help create some smoke to cover problems in the country, or to create something to focus on and debate on what had really happened or if anything really happened at all. It is just ridiculous to me that the modern strategics of the United States and many other countries is tactics like this where they hire people to attack their own country. Really, this is pathetic.
The FBI has received substantial criticism over the past decade — much of it valid — but nobody can deny its record of excellence in thwarting its own Terrorist plots.  Time and again, the FBI concocts a Terrorist attack, infiltrates Muslim communities in order to find recruits, persuades them to perpetrate the attack, supplies them with the money, weapons and know-how they need to carry it out — only to heroically jump in at the last moment, arrest the would-be perpetrators whom the FBI converted, and save a grateful nation from the plot manufactured by the FBI. 
-Taken from an online article by Glenn Greenwald
Check that quote out, I mean it says all that is true and ridiculous about this whole thing. They purposely set this up to last minute come in and "capture" this man to "prevent" him from allegedly making a "terrorist attack". Yeah they also probably last minute do a lot of drugs they confiscate from drug cartels and come up with these crazy formulas that really make a country a "safer" and "better" place. Its sad. If you have any thoughts on this leave me a comment.

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