Friday, October 21, 2011

(RP) 50/50

I recently watched 50/50 and like what Ian said about it in his Free Post 

It's sort of a interesting fusion of comedy and drama, and it's a wonderful insight into the human behavior and life quite simply.

(CE) No more troop

I watched this video about Obama's speech on taking all of the troops out of Iraq. It wasn't to uplifting, but it was a good move for Obama. I'm not sure if he even makes the decisions that he does or if any president has for the past century, but I feel like it was about time we took troops out of the country we have had the longest war in American history with. We started this war, and we terrorized this country. Everything they had we took and we left them to pretty much clean themselves up. It was as easy as leaving a baby to shit himself and try and clean it up. Morality is irrelevant, that i'm already quite sure of. 

That's not the point(or is it). The point is that today we took 100,000 troops out of Iraq and that the war is ending. The point is that we will have a nice crutch period hopefully for our soldiers to come back before we start another war with a country. Either way, I still have good vibes from this and think that it was about time. Obama mentioned supporting these people in their country, but also said he would leave them to govern themselves. We will see how that turns, otherwise give me some feedback.

(FP) Ronaldo

This video is crazy. They tested the physical abilities of Ronaldo and a proffesional sprinter as you saw in the video and gave a closer look at what really makes Ronaldo the amazing  Soccer player he is. I personally don't like the way he plays Soccer much and thinks he is a cocky person, but aside from that, he really is a great player and this proves he takes the ability of any human to a new level. Just the fact that his body had the strength of so many different athletes combined in different areas to make him what he is is pretty interesting.

It inspires me in the sense to work hard to train my body and aspire to have that balance in body that Ronaldo does posses, and have that agility you saw in the video to make my game play better and make me a better player. I also do believe this was a great way of understanding how amazing proffesional athletes are in general and what you need to posses to be as good as these players.

If this doesn't appeal to you because you don't play soccer, try and let it appeal to you in the sense of how your body works and how he beat that sprinter! Aye ! I still hate Ronaldo though.

Friday, October 14, 2011

(RP)People are different

The sheer differences between cultures are so interesting and the histories of how people came to be who they are today is just fascinating.
This quote from Trevor Toy's blog post really spoke to me.
God Grew is a really good movie. I have read about the Somalian lost boys and know all about what they had to face in trying to walk their way to freedom and being attacked by Arab militia and their own people along the way. It is really sad that those young boys were in such a terrible place at that time in their life, and were force to survive whatever means necessary. No one deserves that, but sometimes life is that and you have to adapt and try to make something of it. 
Back to Trevor's quote on the differences of people's cultures and how people came to be where they are from. All of my life I have always, from the first moment of talking to someone, especially someone I am meeting for the first time, have tried to know more about their life and where they are from. I love learning about other people's culture. It's so interesting to hear what other people's lives or like or how their life has become what it is and what they have had to build them up in their for them to be the person they are. Everyone in life is different and you always will meet someone with a story you would never have even imagined. I really think people should tell their story and get to know others. In time it will open your eyes to different cultures and views to help you better understand where you are from and what it is you truly value and appreciate in your life.

(CE) Terrorism or FBI-ism

Has anyone been reading about the Iran murder plot against Saudi Arabia. What a freaking joke. In all honesty it sucks that most Americans believe this shit. Everyone who is somewhat aware of politics within the country of the United States should know about the terrorism propaganda the FBI creates to help create some smoke to cover problems in the country, or to create something to focus on and debate on what had really happened or if anything really happened at all. It is just ridiculous to me that the modern strategics of the United States and many other countries is tactics like this where they hire people to attack their own country. Really, this is pathetic.
The FBI has received substantial criticism over the past decade — much of it valid — but nobody can deny its record of excellence in thwarting its own Terrorist plots.  Time and again, the FBI concocts a Terrorist attack, infiltrates Muslim communities in order to find recruits, persuades them to perpetrate the attack, supplies them with the money, weapons and know-how they need to carry it out — only to heroically jump in at the last moment, arrest the would-be perpetrators whom the FBI converted, and save a grateful nation from the plot manufactured by the FBI. 
-Taken from an online article by Glenn Greenwald
Check that quote out, I mean it says all that is true and ridiculous about this whole thing. They purposely set this up to last minute come in and "capture" this man to "prevent" him from allegedly making a "terrorist attack". Yeah they also probably last minute do a lot of drugs they confiscate from drug cartels and come up with these crazy formulas that really make a country a "safer" and "better" place. Its sad. If you have any thoughts on this leave me a comment.

(FP) Excersise

Lately i have been playing a lot of soccer and working out a lot. I feel like its necessary for everyone human being to excersise atleast once a day or to a good extent throughout their week. I just feel like people are too lazy expecially in America, and dont get off their ass to do anything. At the same time people can excersise too much and not have a balance to their levels of working our and end up damaging their body.
My moms friend runs too much and she is extremely skinny and always says she is fat when she sees us. She is literally 100 pounds and is about 5 foot 11 inches. That is completely unhealthy and she is very underweight. She runs 4 or 5 miles a day and goes to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. It's more to get her mind off things though, which makes some sense. I just feel like its crazy when it gets so out of control like that.
So what I am saying is that everyone should find a balance for their body for what works for them or what helps them take their mind off of things. It's different for everyone and for some people it comes natural. I just feel people should excersise because it really is a good thing for you and makes you feel good. Try it out, like 30 minutes a day or every other day. I can almost gurantee you'll either be having fun doing it or will feel better about yourself afterward. Just like Nike, do it.


In the short term it makes sense for a company to hire people based on appearance and have them represent you in the moment, although in the long run, awareness of your brand will only be captured by individuals who will progress themselves as well as the company to create appeal to new and different people.Cohen argues in that retailers have the right hire people strictly based on looks, and states that it helps benefit and create a better image for the company. Cohen also talks about in today's competitive retail environment the methods have changed, implying that it is necessary to help your company. He then goes into discussing having brand enhancers or good looking people that you should hire in your store, because "A guy wants to go hang out in a store where he can see good-looking gals". This is critical for companies to do this to be an "enticing environment" for the community.

I agree that they should be able to hire whoever they want based on looks and believe that it makes sense to have younger people working in a more high end fashion oriented store. Their company will be represented by these young individuals only and will bring in more people wanting that one look from who they have hired. In the short term this creates that effect of people wanting that look of your brand, and people seeing good looking people modeling the brand. They see it tell other people, see people they know wearing it, and before long everyone wants your brand and it becomes high end, very fashionable, and desirable.

This only lasts for a certain period of time though. Pretty soon your company won't be as good as the other company who is trying something new or has more then what your specific brand or "look" consists of because companies want to do the same thing and do. It's just a matter of knowing how to change your company and the progression from difference in your company, which these companies will not succeed in doing with these people they hire just based on looks. Not hiring people with job experience and just hiring them for the look you want will lead to bankruptcy and your company will fail.

The prime example is what is happening now with American Apparel. American Apparel is facing bankruptcy due to lack of sales and failure of the "hipster revolution" that has fueled its company since the beginning of its rise on the market. American Apparel models plain clothing genrealized towards "hipsters"
and also hires their workers based on appearance. I want to focus on this quote from the article written by Guy Independent in Los Angeles
Yet as the company grew, its ability to respond to the market was diluted. Earlier this month, Mr Charney declared the hipster trend, which powered his expansion, "over". He now wants to cater to older customers, who might prefer chinos to neon bike shorts.
That change, however, may come too late. The breakneck speed of American Apparel's expansion – 150 stores in its first three years, and nearly twice that in the ensuing three – saddled the firm with debts, the scale which is only now coming to light.
 It really shows that maintaining that look that really is "in" or that has lasted long enough to where you have your brands look and have made sales by hiring good looking people to model your product. Modeling your product doesn't mean they are everything your company is, but it does mean that you have certain representation within your company and that people will look at them before anything. So what the truth in American apparel going bankrupt is that